
cateye orb rechargeable cycling light


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  • Total cash price: £1889.00.
  • £207.79 deposit.
  • Amount of credit: £1681.21.
  • Repayable by 2 monthly repayments of £560.41 and a final payment of £560.39.

Lowest Monthly Repayment
  • Code:1792

    Rechargeable version of popular Orb lights. Front, rear and set options.

    Replaces Loop 2 RC rechargeable lights, with significantly greater light output. Durable, polished black aluminium body - USB accessed via unscrewing front section from rear section. Lens acts as power and mode button. Recharge time: 5 hrs maximum.

    • Constant: 7 Lm, 1.5hrs
    • Fast Flashing: 7 Lm, 3.5hrs
    • Slow Flashing: 7 Lm, 4hrs